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Meaning of arrangement

- The act of arranging or putting in an orderly condition; the state of being arranged or put in order; disposition in suitable form.
- The manner or result of arranging; system of parts disposed in due order; regular and systematic classification; as, arrangement of one's dress; the Linnaean arrangement of plants.
- Preparatory proceeding or measure; preparation; as, we have made arrangement for receiving company.
- Settlement; adjustment by agreement; as, the parties have made an arrangement between themselves concerning their disputes; a satisfactory arrangement.
- The adaptation of a composition to voices or instruments for which it was not originally written.
- A piece so adapted; a transcription; as, a pianoforte arrangement of Beethoven's symphonies; an orchestral arrangement of a song, an opera, or the like.

Crossword clue for arrangement

- Agreement
- Composition
- Deal
- Deal with layout
- Floral display
- From far range, men tend to show understanding
- Layout
- Line-up
- Loose pact
- Musical adaptation of floral display
- Musical composition about rent manager
- Plan
- Planning
- result organizing things orderly way
- Set-up
- Understanding the layout