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Meaning of albino

- A person, whether negro, Indian, or white, in whom by some defect of organization the substance which gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes is deficient or in a morbid state. An albino has a skin of a milky hue, with hair of the same color, and eyes with deep red pupil and pink or blue iris. The term is also used of the lower animals, as white mice, elephants, etc.; and of plants in a whitish condition from the absence of chlorophyll.

Crossword clue for albino

- All white animal
- Animal lacking in pigment
- Lacking pigmentation
- No bail arranged for one without pigmentation
- Pink-eyed mouse
- Pink-eyed rabbit
- Pink-eyed white animal
- Plant lacking in pigment
- White animal
- White priest’s robe in middle of row