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Meaning of advantages

- Any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success, or to any desired end; benefit; as, the enemy had the advantage of a more elevated position.
- Superiority; mastery; -- with of or over.
- Superiority of state, or that which gives it; benefit; gain; profit; as, the advantage of a good constitution.
- Interest of money; increase; overplus (as the thirteenth in the baker's dozen).
- To give an advantage to; to further; to promote; to benefit; to profit.

Crossword clue for advantages

- Asset
- Benefit
- Benefit from broad vantages
- Commercial vehicle gate-crashed benefit
- Edge
- Favourable condition or circumstance
- Head start
- Upper hand
- Assets
- Benefits
- Billboards’ benefits?
- Competitive edges
- Good points
- Notice vantage point has benefits
- Perks
- Pros
- Rewards
- Sayings about van providing first-time benefits