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Meaning of adults

- Having arrived at maturity, or to full size and strength; matured; as, an adult person or plant; an adult ape; an adult age.
- A person, animal, or plant grown to full size and strength; one who has reached maturity.

Crossword clue for adults

- Full-grown
- Fully grown
- Fully grown human
- Fully-grown
- Grown up
- Grown-up
- Half of adulteries are by a grown-up
- Having reached maturity
- Mature
- Mature person involves Dad, ultimately
- X-rated
- X-rated (entertainment)
- Ad on cults losing a hundred grown-ups
- Ad on leaderless cults features grown-ups
- Cults cut short following ad for grown ups
- Cults cut short following ad for grown-ups
- Fully grown or mature people
- Grown-ups
- Grown-ups make advertisement with unbridled lust
- Mature people
- Mature persons
- Minors’ mature minders
- Parents
- People of voting age
- This time lust troubled mature folk
- Voters and drinkers, legally