Word Meaning

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Meaning of adam s

- The name given in the Bible to the first man, the progenitor of the human race.
- "Original sin;" human frailty.

Crossword clue for adam s

- ... and Eve
- ... Sandler, actor and comedian
- Actor, ... Driver
- Actor, ... Sandler
- Biblical character
- Biblical figure
- Biblical first man
- Cain’s dad plays a part in Muhammad Ali’s comeback
- Christianity’s first man
- Commercial morning for first gardener
- Eve’s partner
- Father of Cain and Abel
- First gardener used macadamias
- First man
- First man (Bib)
- First man in the Bible
- Genesis patriarch
- Maroon frontman, ... Levine
- The first man is mad! A complete reversal
- The first man of the Bible
- The first man?
- Whose apple is part of the anatomy of publicity mornings?