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Meaning of ace

- A unit; a single point or spot on a card or die; the card or die so marked; as, the ace of diamonds.
- Hence: A very small quantity or degree; a particle; an atom; a jot.

Crossword clue for ace

- A church expert
- A clever expert, to begin with, keeps one up his sleeve
- Adept
- Air combat expert is tops
- Card a hole in one
- Champion’s unreturnable serves
- Close friend
- Dan left a dance with top pilot
- Excellent service in a church
- Expert
- Expert friend quits palace
- Expert in spacesuit
- First-rate
- High card
- Highest playing card
- Hole in one
- Hotshot
- Intrepid airman
- It’s served up, but isn’t touched
- Odd archer is an expert
- One-spot card
- Specialist
- Tennis coup
- Tennis score
- Tennis serve
- Tennis shot
- Top card
- Top card expert
- Top card, highly skilled
- Top pilot
- Top player
- Trump card
- Unreachable serve
- Unreturnable serve
- Unreturnable serve in tennis
- Whiz
- Winning serve
- Winning serve at playing cards