Individuality or Personality Crossword Clue

Individuality or personality crossword clue. 8 letters. A quick crossword from Daily Mail on 20 Oct 2017.

The solver: IDENTITY

Individuality or personality crossword clue in sentence

It would be useful to enable dialogue agents to project, through linguistic means, their individuality or personality. Equally, each member of a pair of agents ought to adjust its language (to a greater or lesser extent) to match that of its interlocutor. We describe CRAG, which generates dialogues between pairs of agents, who are linguistically distinguishable, but able to align. CRAG-2 makes use of OPENCCG and an over-generation and ranking approach, guided by a set of language models covering both personality and alignment. We illustrate with examples of output, and briefly note results from user studies with the earlier CRAG-1, indicating how CRAG-2 will be further evaluated. Related work is discussed, along with current limitations and future directions.

Individuality or Personality Crossword Clue | admin | 4.5