Dismiss as Inadequate or Faulty

Dismiss as inadequate or faulty crossword clue. A quick crossword clue that last seen in Daily Mail UK on 8 Aug 2017. 6 letters

Answer: REJECT

To suppose this preface, presupposing many sciences, to have been written in 356, when the Meteorologica had been already commenced, would be absurd; but equally absurd would it be to reject that date on account of the preface, which even a modern author often writes long after his book.

Now there is no reason to believe that meteors in anything like this quantity can be supplied to the sun, and, therefore, we must reject this source as also inadequate.

In 1774 he published The Chains of Slavery, which was intended to influence constituencies to return popular members, and reject the king’s friends.

Dismiss as Inadequate or Faulty | admin | 4.5