- cry
- Cry about inside scam
- Cry about races with headmaster
- Holler
- Howl
- Make a loud, piercing sound
- Munch product when cream's whipped
- Brute in Gulliver’s Travels
- Brutish person
- Coarse boor
- Cry with joy on finding old web search engine
- Cry with joy on finding web search engine
- Exultant yell
- Holler of delight
- A tempest
- Any port in a ...
- Bad weather
- Barrage
- Burn up
- Capture By Assault
- Commotion
- “Hey, Elle! Don’t!” shouted insider
- “Inside, everybody!” Elle desperately screamed
- Bawled
- Called loudly
- Cried out
- Screamed
- of Yell