- Despicable to be draped around overhead fabric - Dress material - Light scarf fabric - Orbison initially into vile material - Sheer fabric - Translucent fabric - Woven fabric
- A ribbed fabric - Cloth with diagonal ribs - Corded fabric - Hard-wearing fabric - Heavy fabric - Woven fabric - To weave, as cloth, so as to produce the appearance of
diagonal lines or ribs on the surface.
- Cotton fabric - Fine woven fabric - Plain-weave fabric - Soft cotton fabric - A thin cotton, white, dyed, or printed. The name is also
applied to coarser and heavier cotton goods; as, shirting and sheeting
- Current issues cover flimsy material - Disposable hanky - Fine woven fabric - Kleenex handkerchief - Matter made from cells - Paper for wrapping pathology sample - Paper handkerchief