- Automatically operating devices - Factory equipment - Mechanical apparatus - Working parts - Machines, in general, or collectively. - The working parts of a machine, engine, or instrument;
as, the machinery of a watch. - The supernatural means by which the action of a poetic
or fictitious work is carried on and brought to a catastrophe; in an
extended sense, the contrivances by which the crises and conclusion of
a fictitious narrative, in prose or verse, are effected.
- A part (usually separate from the bed or frame) for
supporting some of the principal working parts of a machine - The part of a lathe that holds the revolving spindle and
its attachments; -- also called poppet head, the opposite corresponding
part being called a tailstock. - The part of a planing machine that supports the cutter,
- Derogatory term for an engineer - One who, or that which, greases; specifically, a person
employed to lubricate the working parts of machinery, engines,
carriages, etc. - A nickname sometimes applied in contempt to a Mexican of
the lowest type.
- Friction-reducing substance - Oil, e.g. - Substance that reduces friction - substance to reduce friction - Lubricating. - That which lubricates; specifically, a substance, as
oil, grease, plumbago, etc., used for reducing the friction of the
working parts of machinery.