- Bad luck
- It’s bad luck to have uniform set out
- Woe
- Bad fortune or luck; calamity; an evil accident;
disaster; mishap; mischance.
- To happen unluckily or unfortunately; to miscarry;
to fail.
- ... and alack!
- A girl uttered an exclamation of grief
- A lass heard, unfortunately
- A lass spoke sadly
- Assumed name
- Cry of woe
- Endless salad returned, sadly
- A hand gesture
- Farewell gesture
- Flutter
- Hand gesture
- Move the hand as a greeting
- Sea swell
- Signal (goodbye)
- Extreme sadness
- Great woe
- Grump
- Intense unhappiness
- Sadness
- Great unhappiness; extreme pain of body or mind;
wretchedness; distress; woe.
- Cause of misery; calamity; misfortune.
- Abandon hope
- Dejection
- Give up all hope
- Give up hope
- Gloom
- Great woe
- Have no hope of changing diapers