- Aquatic bird - Sea bird - Seabird - Tern relative - Web-footed aquatic bird - White sea bird - To deceive; to cheat; to mislead; to trick; to defraud.
- Sea bird - Any one of numerous species of longwinged sea birds
belonging to the family Procellaridae. The small petrels, or Mother
Carey's chickens, belong to Oceanites, Oceanodroma, Procellaria, and
several allied genera.
- Antipodean animal - Golf score term - Large sea-bird - Large web-footed sea bird - Ocean wandering bird - Ocean-wandering bird - A web-footed bird, of the genus Diomedea, of which there
are several species. They are the largest of sea birds, capable of
long-continued flight, and are often seen at great distances from the
land. They are found chiefly in the southern hemisphere.
- At sea, gulls drop large mollusc - Fight, ... it out - Gull-like sea bird - Any jager gull; especially, the Megalestris skua; -- called
also boatswain.
- Aquatic bird - Big-billed bird - Colourful large-billed tropical American bird - Fish-catching bird - Large billed bird - Large billed water bird - Large fish catching bird