Water Powered Engine Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 25-04-2021
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: water powered engine. We have 5 answers for water powered engine in our database.

Possible answers to water powered engine

- A type of motor
- Brute in agitation over rotary engine
- Generator wheel
- Motor with a revolving mechanism
- Rotary engine
- rotary mechanical device
- Water-driven wheel

- Craft with outboard engine
- Marine runabout
- Powered water craft
- Small vessel for marmot or boa to use most

- A water engine.
- A water wheel; especially, a small water wheel driven by water from a street main.

- Apparatus
- Device
- Device found last month in foreign cinema
- Device sliced up nice ham
- Engine
- In stomach I need device
- Mechanical apparatus

- Rinse tub out with water- powered machines
- Steam engines
- Water-wheels

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