- Act of God - Exceptional occurrence - Natural wonder - Unusual occurrence - Unusual occurrence upset men on phone - An appearance; anything visible; whatever, in matter or
spirit, is apparent to, or is apprehended by, observation; as, the
phenomena of heat, light, or electricity; phenomena of imagination or
memory. - That which strikes one as strange, unusual, or
unaccountable; an extraordinary or very remarkable person, thing, or
occurrence; as, a musical phenomenon.
- Trance-induction - A form of sleep or somnambulism brought on by artificial
means, in which there is an unusual suspension of some powers, and an
unusual activity of others. It is induced by an action upon the nerves,
through the medium of the senses, as in persons of very feeble
organization, by gazing steadly at a very bright object held before the
eyes, or by pressure upon certain points of the surface of the body.