- mega rich - Person worth 1,000,000 - Very rich person - Wealthy individual - Wealthy person - One whose wealth is counted by millions of francs,
dollars, or pounds; a very rich person; a person worth a million or
- Muslim governor of yore; tycoon of today - Person of great wealth and influence - Power and influence - Rich person - Wealthy man - Wealthy person - A deputy or viceroy in India; a governor of a province of
the ancient Mogul empire.
- Destitute of funds - Extremely poor person - He looked like the Prince ... poor man! - Very poor person - A poor person; especially, one development on private or
public charity. Also used adjectively; as, pouper immigrants, pouper
- Celebrity - Celebrity (1,1,1) - Distinguished visitor - Person of note - Public figure - Public figure (1,1,1) - Six seen quietly following dignitary