- Company joins support for hooded killer - Deadly Indian serpent - Deadly serpent - Hooded creature from company underwear? - Hooded snake - Snake - Snake, king ...
- A fabulous serpent whose breath and look were said to
be fatal. See Basilisk. - A representation of this serpent. It has the head,
wings, and legs of a bird, and tail of a serpent. - A venomous serpent which which cannot now be
identified. - Any venomous or deadly thing.
- Deliberately wounding move on us - Malicious, spiteful - Poisonous - Full of venom; noxious to animal life; poisonous; as, the
bite of a serpent may be venomous. - Having a poison gland or glands for the secretion of
venom, as certain serpents and insects. - Noxious; mischievous; malignant; spiteful; as, a venomous
progeny; a venomous writer.