- Messy
- Ruffled
- Rumpled
- Tousled
- Uncombed
- Unkempt
- Untidy
- Bedraggled
- Met punk, dishevelled
- Punk met characters that were dishevelled
- Scruffy
- Slovenly
- Ungroomed or slovenly
- Untidy
- Make untidy
- Mess up (hair)
- Muss
- Ruffle (hair)
- To you and me, half a mile could mess up your hair
- To put into disorder; to tumble; to touse.
- City growth, urban ...
- Outer city: urban ...
- Slouch
- Spread out
- Untidy spread
- To spread and stretch the body or limbs carelessly in a
horizontal position; to lie with the limbs stretched out ungracefully.
- To spread irregularly, as vines, plants, or tress; to
spread ungracefully, as chirography.
- Couch potato
- Couch potato stays in, orders lobster
- Lazy person
- Lazy person (coll)
- Messy layabout
- Pig
- Slovenly person