Unmodifiable Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 30-11-2022
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: unmodifiable. We have 5 answers for unmodifiable in our database.

Possible answers to unmodifiable

- Impossible to shift
- Never changing
- Not subject to change
- Unalterable
- Unmodifiable
- Not mutable; not capable or susceptible of change; unchangeable; unalterable.

- Concluded
- Established
- Irrevocable
- Made better
- refurbished
- remade
- Secured

- Aim
- Determined in camping shelter
- Have in mind as a purpose
- Purpose
- Purposeful; determined
- unmodifiable
- Closely directed; strictly attentive; bent; -- said of the mind, thoughts, etc.; as, a mind intent on self-improvement.

- Never changing
- Round-the-clock
- Steady
- Unchanging
- unmodifiable
- Unvarying
- Firm; solid; fixed; immovable; -- opposed to fluid.

- Compatible; not self contradictory
- In agreement
- unmodifiable
- Possessing firmness or fixedness; firm; hard; solid.
- Having agreement with itself or with something else; having harmony among its parts; possesing unity; accordant; harmonious; congruous; compatible; uniform; not contradictory.
- Living or acting in conformity with one's belief or professions.

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