- It’s sneaky to see new video before us
- Scheming
- Unfair
- Out of a straight line; winding; varying from directness;
as, a devious path or way.
- Going out of the right or common course; going astray;
erring; wandering; as, a devious step.
- Inequitable
- Not fair
- Not just
- Of a detailed account
- Unfair
- Wrong
- Acting contrary to the standard of right; not animated or
controlled by justice; false; dishonest; as, an unjust man or judge.
- Biased
- Discriminatory
- Prejudiced
- Unfair
- Unjust
- Not equitable; not just.
- diagonal line
- Favouritism
- Inclination or prejudice
- Irrational preference
- Mental tendency or inclination
- Narrow-mindedness
- One-sidedness
- Unfair treatment
- The act or practice of persecuting; especially, the
infliction of loss, pain, or death for adherence to a particular creed
or mode of worship.
- The state or condition of being persecuted.
- A carrying on; prosecution.