- Means of transport - Penny-farthing - Pennyfarthing - Told to buy sickle for a two-wheeler - Transport disrupted by Cecil - Two-wheeled vehicle - Vehicle with two wheels
- Ancient battle vehicle - Ancient horsedrawn vehicle - Ben Hur’s vehicle - Colleague primarily used hot-air transport - Head chef has new hot-air vehicle - Roman battle vehicle - Roman carriage
- Big Ears’ friend - Blyton character - Enid Blyton character - Friend of Big Ears - No daddy removes ad for Big-Ear’s friend - Toyland character - A simpleton; a fool.
- Cart infested with insects? - Light horse-drawn carriage - Infested or abounding with bugs. - A light one horse two-wheeled vehicle. - A light, four-wheeled vehicle, usually with one seat, and
with or without a calash top.