- tumble down - Unsteady - Weak and unsteady - Shaking or trembling; as, a shaky spot in a marsh; a
shaky hand. - Full of shakes or cracks; cracked; as, shaky timber. - Easily shaken; tottering; unsound; as, a shaky
constitution; shaky business credit.
- Cause to fall over - Fall over - Knock over - Overbalance and fall - Tip over - Tip over to cut top off apple - To fall forward; to pitch or tumble down.
- Fall awkwardly - Fall awkwardly or violently - Fall clumsily - Fall headlong - Heavy fall - To roll over, or to and fro; to throw one's self about;
as, a person on pain tumbles and tosses. - To roll down; to fall suddenly and violently; to be
precipitated; as, to tumble from a scaffold.