Tree Yellow Edible Fruit Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 11-03-2025
Today's crossword clue is a general crossword: tree yellow edible fruit. We have 10 answers for tree yellow edible fruit in our database.

Possible answers to tree yellow edible fruit

- The edible plumlike fruit of the Australian tree, Parinarium Nonda.

- A tall, evergeen, tropical American tree (Achras Sapota); also, its edible fruit, the sapodilla plum.

- The edible drupaceous fruit of an Australian tree (Fusanus acuminatus) of the Sandalwood family; -- called also quandang.

- The edible fruit of an East Indian tree (Baccaurea Malayana) of the Spurge family. It somewhat resembles an apple.

- A fruit
- Best stone fruit?
- Colour
- Cushy job
- Fruit
- Fruit type
- Good sort of job Jack Horner got his hands on

- A myrtaceous tree of the West Indies and tropical America (Calyptranthes Jambolana), with astringent bark, used for dyeing. It bears an edible fruit.

- The edible fruit of a small North American tree of the genus Viburnum (V. Lentago), having white flowers in flat cymes; also, the tree itself. Called also nannyberry.

- Tropical fruit
- Tropical fruit used for jelly
- A tree (Carica Papaya) of tropical America, belonging to the order Passifloreae. It has a soft, spongy stem, eighteen or twenty feet high, crowned with a tuft of large, long-stalked, palmately lobed leaves. The milky juice of the plant is said to have the property of making meat tender. Also, its dull orange-colored, melon-shaped fruit, which is eaten both raw and cooked or pickled.
- A tree of the genus Asimina (A. triloba), growing in the western and southern parts of the United States, and producing a sweet edible fruit; also, the fruit itself.

- A kind of persimmon tree (Diospyros discolor) from the Philippine Islands, now introduced into the East and West Indies. It bears an edible fruit as large as a quince.

- Spread dairy product over nut and pumpkin
- Type of pumpkin
- Type of squash
- An American tree (Juglans cinerea) of the Walnut family, and its edible fruit; -- so called from the oil contained in the latter. Sometimes called oil nut and white walnut.
- The nut of the Caryocar butyrosum and C. nuciferum, of S. America; -- called also Souari nut.

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