Tit For Tat Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 14-03-2025
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: tit for tat. We have 7 answers for tit for tat in our database.

Possible answers to tit for tat

- Retaliation of a sort when agreements were exchanged, or so it sounds
- Tit for tat

- Backlash
- Giving tit for tat
- Ill will
- Reprisal
- Retribution
- Revenge
- Tit for tat

- Similarly
- Tit for tat

- According to a proverb, it is best served cold
- Act of retaliation
- Hit back
- Retaliation
- Tit for tat
- To inflict harm in return for, as an injury, insult, etc.; to exact satisfaction for, under a sense of injury; to avenge; -- followed either by the wrong received, or by the person or thing wronged, as the object, or by the reciprocal pronoun as direct object, and a preposition before the wrong done or the wrongdoer.
- To inflict injury for, in a spiteful, wrong, or malignant spirit; to wreak vengeance for maliciously.

- Counter-attack
- Exact retribution
- Give tit for tat
- Hit back
- Return like for like
- Strike back
- Take reprisals

- Giving tit for tat
- Taking reprisals
- of Retaliate

- Exacted retribution
- Gave tit for tat
- Hit back
- Took reprisals
- of Retaliate

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