- 60 minutes
- Change tour leader in sixty minutes
- Echo urbanely within 60 minutes
- Midnight, the witching ...
- Sixty minutes
- Some time
- Space of time
- Age
- Beginning of era
- Dawn of an age
- Distinctive period
- echo quietly bounces around for a long time
- Era
- Era of hope returning with start of crusade
- 60 seconds
- Infinitesimal
- My newt sounds tiny
- Part of an hour
- Short time
- Sixtieth part of an hour
- Sixty Seconds
- A point under dispute
- Affair
- Agenda item
- Allocate
- Bone of contention
- Children
- Children in serious trouble or not
- Back in a moment!
- Back, give support to
- Boxer's supporter
- Minute part
- Next after the first
- Number two in a sequence
- Sixty seconds
- Assess
- Classify
- Degree of progress
- Degree of speed
- Deserve grade
- Estimate the value of
- Evaluate
- A flowing; continuous change
- Constant change
- Continuous change
- Ever-changing: in a state of ...
- The act of flowing; a continuous moving on or passing by, as
of a flowing stream; constant succession; change.
- The setting in of the tide toward the shore, -- the ebb being
called the reflux.
- The state of being liquid through heat; fusion.