- Aims at - Gets behind abstract art objects - Marks - Sailor attains goals - Selects as an object to attack - The objects of attacks - Things aimed at
- A score - Aim - Ambition - Ambition to score in the World Cup - Desired result - Encourage Gore to achieve desired result - Encourage Gore to achieve end
- ... and don’ts - ... and donts - Computer operating system that usually comes with a list of don’ts - Computer system for parties - Date of starting computer system - Disc Operating System - Disk Operating System
- At heart, Joseph, emeralds are short-lived things - Short lived insect - Short-lived things - Things that exist for only a short time - A fever of one day's continuance only. - A genus of insects including the day flies, or ephemeral
flies. See Ephemeral fly, under Ephemeral. - of Ephemeron