- Cattle list said to cause change - Cause of change - Change-causing agent - Manipulating agent - Reaction agent - Reaction agents - Substance which produces chemical reaction without undergoing any permanent change
- Furniture relocator - Influential person, ... and shaker - Instigator - A person or thing that moves, stirs, or changes place. - A person or thing that imparts motion, or causes change of
place; a motor. - One who, or that which, excites, instigates, or causes
movement, change, etc.; as, movers of sedition. - A proposer; one who offers a proposition, or recommends
anything for consideration or adoption; as, the mover of a resolution
in a legislative body.
- A vane, or weather vane; -- so called because
originally often in the figure of a cock, turning on the top of a spire
with the wind, and showing its direction. - Hence, any thing or person that turns easily and
frequently; one who veers with every change of current opinion; a
fickle, inconstant person. - To supply with a weathercock; to serve as a
weathercock for.