- Abundant
- Bountiful
- Copious
- Generous
- plenteous
- Thick
- Containing plenty; copious; abundant; ample; as, a
plentiful harvest; a plentiful supply of water.
- Compact
- Compressed
- Compressed, thickset
- Concentrated but was slow to understand
- Dim-witted
- Impenetrable (jungle)
- Jam-packed
- Cut of meat
- Thick steak
- Type of steak
- A house where porter is sold.
- Climbing equipment
- Cord
- Cord enclosing boxing ring
- It is controlled by the skipper
- Lariat
- String (of a pearls)
- Strong cord
- Cocky’s joy
- Golden syrup
- Mixture of claret and egg initially makes a sugary syrup
- Molasses
- Seen in centre, a clear syrup
- Sugar by product
- Sugar derivative