- Distance
- Duration
- End to end
- Extent; duration
- It can be quite long in time or distance
- It goes from one extreme to the other
- Linear magnitude
- A temporary way of dealing with a problem or need
- As a temporary measure
- Makeshift
- Short-term
- Space behind block is temporary
- Temporary
- Temporary measure to plug hole
- Academic half-year
- Academic term
- Part of the school year
- Period
- Rest seem put out by six months’ study
- Somehow seems term doesn’t end for six months at university
- Term
- Acting (manager)
- Caretaker
- Caretaker in midwinter? Impossible!
- In term, I went in pro tem
- In winter, images are only makeshift
- Meantime
- Painter impulsively covers for caretaker
- Long-term convicts
- Non-parole murderers