- Broadcast
- Circuit component
- Pass on
- Send forth
- Team race
- Transmit in stages
- To lay again; to lay a second time; as, to relay a
- boat race team
- Bosun’s subordinates
- Company
- Craft staff
- Gang
- Group of workers
- Rowing team
- Kate – a command to supply food
- Make allowances (for)
- Organise feast
- Pander (to every whim)
- Provide
- Provide (food)
- Provide (for)
- Actor Hugh provides money for research
- Bestow
- Gift of money
- Give (three wishes)
- Give as a favour
- Make allowances (for)
- Own up
- A graze
- Beginning to withdraw entry from race to treat itch
- Graze
- Graze and withdraw from competition
- Injure with claws; withdraw from race
- Minor abrasion
- Rub itchy spot