Take Into Account Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 31-05-2018
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: take into account. We have 10 answers for take into account in our database.

Possible answers to take into account

- Appraise
- Estimate the value of
- Evaluate
- Examine
- Fix a tax
- Gauge
- Rate

- Esteem
- Esteem, ... highly
- Gaze at
- Gerard altered view
- kindly feeling
- Look at drag queen making a comeback
- Look upon

- At the moment primarily a convenient source of cash
- Automatic teller
- Bank machine
- Cash dispenser
- Cash dispenser (1,1,1)
- Cash machine
- collect cash quickly

- Estimate
- Judge top coach to be on team to the right
- Ponder
- Reflect on
- Regard
- Think carefully about
- To fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination; to think on with care; to ponder; to study; to meditate on.

- Considers imaginary grizzlies?
- Takes into account

- Take account of

- Absorb
- Absorb (food)
- Absorbing (food)
- Assimilat mentally
- Assimilate
- Assimilate food
- Assimilate mentally

- Absorb (food)
- Absorb mentally
- Consume
- Consume in jest, we hear
- Eat
- Eat in housing estate
- Swallow, you say? Just joking!

- Arrest and take into custody
- Catch
- Nab
- Nab (felon)
- Take into custody
- To take or seize; to take hold of.
- Hence: To take or seize (a person) by legal process; to arrest; as, to apprehend a criminal.

- Apprehend
- Nab
- Seize
- Stop (progress)
- Stop motion
- Stop movement
- Take into custody

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