- Cause hearing loss - Hide inside a fence and make a terrible racket - Impair hearing of - Overpower with sound - Overwhelm with sound - Stun with noise - swamp with sound
- Allow as a discount - Deduction or discount - Deduction, discount - Discount - Money-back offer - Partial refund - Partial refund to one who has paid too much
- Awfully rude! Chief Executive initially to downsize - Become smaller - Decrease - Lose weight - Lower in price - Make or become smaller - Make smaller
- Diminish - Diminish, ... from - Steal glory (from) - Steal glory from fancy dart, etc. - Take away (from) - Take away dilapidated cart, Ted - Take away from
- Asphyxiate - Muffle eccentric mothers - Stifle - Suffocate - Take away breath - To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of
the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent
breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. - To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of
air by a thick covering, as of ashes, of smoke, or the like; as, to
smother a fire.