Submit Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 19-01-2021
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: submit. We have 5 answers for submit in our database.

Possible answers to submit

- Submit

- Acquiesce
- Submit
- Surrender
- Yield on certain conditions
- To settle or draw up the heads or terms of an agreement, as in chapters or articles; to agree.
- To surrender on terms agreed upon (usually, drawn up under several heads); as, an army or a garrison capitulates.
- To surrender or transfer, as an army or a fortress, on certain conditions.

- Bow to the inevitable
- Capitulate
- Cede
- Come to pass
- Concede
- Give in
- Give up and return

- Submit (4,2)

- Building material
- Cover with a coat of plaster
- Furnish
- Give service
- Give up
- Lender swaps what’s left for right to submit invoice, for example
- Perform

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