- Check out woodcutter turning up with what belongs to me - Enquire into - Inspect - Inspect carefully - Inspect closely - Instruct - Look at in detail
- Artist's inspiration - Artist’s inspiration - Even ombudsmen ponder long and hard - Meditate - Meditate on - Mull over - Ponder / (Greek myth) any of the nine goddesses who presided over literature, the arts and sciences
- An avid reader may be so described - Avid reader - Literature nut - Paperback fan - Reserve leading weeklies or monthlies, primarily for avid reader - Any larva of a beetle or moth, which is injurious to
books. Many species are known. - A student closely attached to books or addicted to study;
a reader without appreciation.
- Analysed - Crammed - Examined closely - Inspected closely - Perused - Prepared for exam - Closely examined; read with diligence and attention; made
the subject of study; well considered; as, a studied lesson.
- Formal request - Formal request (for job) - Smartphone program - Submission for grant requires diligent effort - Written request - Written request (for job) - The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense;
as, the application of emollients to a diseased limb.