- Attempt
- Attempt rugby goal
- Attempt to prosecute
- Attempt to score in rugby
- Check fit of, ... on
- Effort
- Effort made when witches' group leaves Coventry
- A duo never made an effort
- Aspire
- Attempt to locate Cook’s ship
- Captain Cook’s ship
- Captain Cook’s vessel
- Effort
- Strive
- Contend
- Contest for control
- Ongoing fight
- strenuous effort
- Strenuous exertion or effort
- Strive
- To strive, or to make efforts, with a twisting, or
with contortions of the body.
- Bid is somewhat tempting
- Effort
- Endeavour to find a Middle Eastern lure
- In UNICEF for the hard work
- Strive (to)
- Try
- Try to climb
- Abstain from
- battle infection
- die hard
- Go against
- Hold out
- Knock back
- Make a stand