- Diminish - Diminish, ... from - Steal glory (from) - Steal glory from fancy dart, etc. - Take away (from) - Take away from - Take away some of inside tractor
- Plunder some other objects - Steal from - Steal from Mr Lowe - steal pilfer - take the mickey - The inspissated juice of ripe fruit, obtained by evaporation
of the juice over a fire till it acquires the consistence of a sirup.
It is sometimes mixed with honey or sugar. - To take (something) away from by force; to strip by
stealing; to plunder; to pillage; to steal from.
- Make Melbee two final letters for appropriate money - Steal from boss - To steal or misappropriate - To appropriate fraudulently to one's own use, as
property intrusted to one's care; to apply to one's private uses by a
breach of trust; as, to embezzle money held in trust. - To misappropriate; to waste; to dissipate in