- Apex - Point - Pointed end - Pointed end where curves meet; dental prominence - Star sign division - Tooth part - A triangular protection from the intrados of an arch, or from
an inner curve of tracery.
- Disease of the body - Sign of the zodiac - Star-sign - Zodiac sign - A genus of decapod Crustacea, including some of the most
common shore crabs of Europe and North America, as the rock crab, Jonah
crab, etc. See Crab. - The fourth of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The first
point is the northern limit of the sun's course in summer; hence, the
sign of the summer solstice. See Tropic. - A northern constellation between Gemini and Leo.
- A star sign - Imagine replacing a lost sign - Sign of the zodiac - Star sign - Star sign after Taurus - Star sign of the twins - Star sign: the twins
- November star sign - Sign after Libra - Sign of the zodiac - Some mollusc or pioneer born towards the end of the year - Star sign - Zodiac sign - A scorpion.
- Sign of the zodiac - Star sign - Zodiac sign - Zodiac sign: fish - The twelfth sign of the zodiac, marked / in almanacs. - A zodiacal constellation, including the first point of
Aries, which is the vernal equinoctial point; the Fish. - The class of Vertebrata that includes the fishes. The
principal divisions are Elasmobranchii, Ganoidei, and Teleostei.
- Star Sign - The Water-bearer; the eleventh sign in the zodiac, which
the sun enters about the 20th of January; -- so called from the rains
which prevail at that season in Italy and the East. - A constellation south of Pegasus.
- Balanced sign that unbalanced Blair - Fifty-one support sign - Scales star sign - Scales zodiac constellation - Sign of the zodiac - Sign recognised by half the librarians - Star sign
- ... Sayer, singer - A star sign - August zodiac sign - Capable of capturing lion - Circle formed under the French sign - DiCaprio in Isle of Man? - Galileo's secret sign