- Binge
- Cosset
- drink to excess
- Drink too much
- Eat too much
- Foolish rule given: Do go on a binge!
- Gorge
- Canoodle
- Caress
- Domestic animal
- Family dog
- Favourite
- Favourite domestic animal
- Favourite furry friend
- Blacken (name)
- Harm
- Harm or spoil
- Injure
- Injury
- Make imperfect
- Spoil
- Complete collapse
- Completely spoil
- Debacle
- Destroy
- Destruction
- Devastate
- Devastation
- Din made by luge upset baby
- foster
- Gratify
- Pamper
- Spoil
- Wallow in glued mess
- To be complacent toward; to give way to; not to oppose
or restrain