Some Public Transport Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 31-01-2019
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: some public transport. We have 10 answers for some public transport in our database.

Possible answers to some public transport

- Choo-choos
- Coaches
- Locomotives
- Passenger locomotives
- People movers
- Practises
- Practises for match with coaches

- Light-rail vehicles
- Passenger vehicles
- Public transport
- Smart to turn up in streetcars
- Vehicle on tracks

- A little robust vehicle
- A type of vehicle
- Bob usually covers coach
- Clippie’s vehicle
- Coach
- Coach gets most abuse
- Coach gives odd bruise

- Public transport

- Public transport permit

- Public transport discount pass

- Picture problem
- Picture puzzle
- Puzzle about public transport
- A mode of expressing words and phrases by pictures of objects whose names resemble those words, or the syllables of which they are composed; enigmatical representation of words by figures; hence, a peculiar form of riddle made up of such representations.
- A pictorial suggestion on a coat of arms of the name of the person to whom it belongs. See Canting arms, under Canting.
- To mark or indicate by a rebus.

- A lure
- A means of public transport
- A means of transport
- Choo-choo
- Coach
- Coach (team)
- Coach or rail transport

- A form of public transport
- A means of public transport
- Electric car
- ore truck
- Passenger vehicle
- People mover
- Rail transport

- A bar
- A form of public transport
- A means of transport
- Banister
- Complain bitterly
- Complain bitterly about never-ending trouble
- Complain bitterly about neverending trouble

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