- A bog
- Bog
- Morass
- Soft mud
- Swampy ground
- An ant.
- Deep mud; wet, spongy earth.
- Emit
- Exude
- Flow out slowly
- Leak out slowly
- Leak slowly
- Percolate
- Percolate through pores
- Kitchen refuse
- Ladle carelessly
- Liquid mud
- Mush
- Soft mud
- Start serving lucerne or pigswill
- Unappetising food
- Half-melted snow
- Liquid mud
- Melted snow
- Melting snow
- mix of snow and ice
- Mud and grime
- Snowy street remnants
- Gunk
- Industrial sediment
- Muddy stuff
- Polluted mud
- Soft mud, snow, etc
- Soft mud, snow, etc.
- Mud; mire; soft mud; slush.
- Have deep regard for
- Look up to
- Regard with pleasure
- Respect
- Respect highly
- Respect, venerate
- Think highly of commercial showing deep, soft mud
- Moist, slippery matter
- Muck
- Soft, moist earth or clay, having an adhesive quality;
viscous mud.
- Any mucilaginous substance; any substance of a dirty nature,
that is moist, soft, and adhesive.
- Bitumen.
- Mud containing metallic ore, obtained in the preparatory
- A mucuslike substance which exudes from the bodies of
certain animals.