- A big, red design for fire-fighting unit - Army subdivision - Army unit - Fiery-sounding group ordered to cover drilling platform - Regimental group - Subdivision of an army - A body of troops, whether cavalry, artillery, infantry, or
mixed, consisting of two or more regiments, under the command of a
brigadier general.
- Army unit - Group of soldiers - Military unit - Military unit of 25-30 men - Subdivision of a company of troops - Formerly, a body of men who fired together; also, a small
square body of soldiers to strengthen the angles of a hollow square. - Now, in the United States service, half of a company.
- Army unit - Army unit commanded by a lieutenant colonel - Army unit subject to rigid discipline - Body of troops - Impose strict control on order of metering - Government; mode of ruling; rule; authority; regimen. - A region or district governed.
- Army unit - Body of troops - The human body, whether living or dead. - A body of men; esp., an organized division of
the military establishment; as, the marine corps; the corps of
topographical engineers; specifically, an army corps. - A body or code of laws. - The land with which a prebend or other
ecclesiastical office is endowed.
- Group of players - Group of soldiers - Police unit - Small group of soldiers - Small military unit - Working party - A small party of men assembled for drill, inspection, or
other purposes.