- Cuticle - Outer layer of skin - Skin layer - The outer, nonsensitive layer of the skin; cuticle;
scarfskin. See Dermis. - The outermost layer of the cells, which covers both
surfaces of leaves, and also the surface of stems, when they are first
formed. As stems grow old this layer is lost, and never replaced.
- Skin layer - True skin - The deep sensitive layer of the skin beneath the scarfskin
or epidermis; -- called also true skin, derm, derma, corium, cutis, and
enderon. See Skin, and Illust. in Appendix.
- Inner mist layer of cells in early development of embryo - The innermost layer of cells or tissue in the early development of an embryo - The inner layer of the skin or integument of an animal. - The innermost layer of the blastoderm and the structures
derived from it; the hypoblast; the entoblast. See Illust. of Ectoderm.