- Best tempered - Job – like one in a hospital - Sick person - Tolerant - Having the quality of enduring; physically able to suffer
or bear. - Undergoing pains, trails, or the like, without murmuring
or fretfulness; bearing up with equanimity against trouble;
long-suffering. - Constant in pursuit or exertion; persevering; calmly
diligent; as, patient endeavor.
- Crackpot - Drawn taut - Turn a handle - Winch - A bent portion of an axle, or shaft, or an arm keyed at
right angles to the end of a shaft, by which motion is imparted to or
received from it; also used to change circular into reciprocating
motion, or reciprocating into circular motion. See Bell crank. - Any bend, turn, or winding, as of a passage. - A twist or turn in speech; a conceit consisting in a change
of the form or meaning of a word.
- At ease - Cared for - Come without second of hesitation for furniture item that is nice to sit on - Cosy - Easy - Easy and undisturbed - Financially secure
- Hospital patient’s receptacle - Shallow toilet - A pan for warming beds. - A shallow chamber vessel, so constructed that it can be
used by a sick person in bed.