- Deflate (ego)
- Deflates (ego)
- Needle stab
- Pierce with fork
- Sharp end
- Slight jab
- Stab with needle
- Direct with a finger
- Full stop
- Item
- Knife tip
- moment in time
- Nub
- Promontory
- Having a sharp end
- It’s critical to be sharp
- Made evident
- of Point
- Sharp; having a sharp point; as, a pointed rock.
- Characterized by sharpness, directness, or pithiness of
expression; terse; epigrammatic; especially, directed to a particular
person or thing.
- A charming accent
- A lovable type of accent
- accent mark
- An angle less than 90 degrees
- Current truck is very important
- Excruciating (pain)
- Extremely sharp or intense
- Decorative stitchery
- Embroidery
- Embroidery made using the sharp end
- Embroidery on canvas
- Syringe tip used in embroidery
- Type of embroidery
- Type of handmade lace
- Tapering to a point; pointed; as, acuminate leaves,
teeth, etc.
- To render sharp or keen.
- To end in, or come to, a sharp point.
- Brim
- Brink of rudeness
- Cup edge
- Edge
- Impertinence
- Impudence of First Lady in Paris
- Impudent talk
- Hammer part
- Hammer part used to strengthen metal
- Part of a hammer
- A round-edged, or hemispherical, end to the head of a hammer
or sledge, used to stretch or bend metal by indentation.
- The sharp-edged end of the head of a mason's hammer.
- To draw, bend, or straighten, as metal, by blows with the
peen of a hammer or sledge.