- Appear once again
- Come back
- Give back
- Go back
- Happen again
- Homecoming
- Retail transaction
- “Send back ream,” it says, in extremities
- Dispatch (payment)
- Post off
- Send (cash)
- Send (funds)
- Send (payment)
- Send back timer
- To send back.
- A sending back.
- Consign again
- held for trial
- Held for trial, on ...
- Imprison
- Keep in custody
- Keep lawbreaking man in red
- Return to custody
- Deport
- Return to homeland
- Return to the country of birth
- send back to homeland
- To restore to one's own country.
- Allude
- Allude to
- Direct (to specialist)
- Direct attention
- Direct attention (to)
- direct attention to
- Direct elsewhere
- Cast back
- Recoil
- Spring back
- To spring or fly back from impact
- To spring back; to start back; to be sent back or
reverberated by elastic force on collision with another body; as, a
rebounding echo.
- To give back an echo.
- To bound again or repeatedly, as a horse.