- Selfishness - The doctrine of certain extreme adherents or disciples of
Descartes and Johann Gottlieb Fichte, which finds all the elements of
knowledge in the ego and the relations which it implies or provides
for. - Excessive love and thought of self; the habit of regarding
one's self as the center of every interest; selfishness; -- opposed to
- Egocentric - Only looking after one's own interests - Self-centred - Ungenerous, egotistic - Caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's
own comfort, advantage, etc., in disregard, or at the expense, of those
of others. - Believing or teaching that the chief motives of human
action are derived from love of self.
- Egocentricity - Egotism - Greed - Lack of generosity - Personal greed - Self-centredness - The quality or state of being selfish; exclusive
regard to one's own interest or happiness; that supreme self-love or
self-preference which leads a person to direct his purposes to the
advancement of his own interest, power, or happiness, without regarding
those of others.