- Clean by washing and rubbing - Cleanse thoroughly - Lose ground? - Polish hard - Rub hard - Scrub - Scrub chorus disrupted by departure of high leader
- Dragnet - Fish commercially - Fish with a wide net - Fish with moving line - Scrub chorus disrupted by departure of high leader - Search thoroughly - The odd thread will catch fish
- Brush - Clean with a broom - Cleaner of chimneys - Football maneuver - Large oar used to steer a lifesaving craft - Long oar - Raffle chimney cleaner
- Crest of a cock - Device for untangling hair - Dress hair - Get knots out of hairdresser’s equipment - Grooming device - Hair styling tool - It parts hair
- Chat about - Confer - Debate - To break to pieces; to shatter. - To break up; to disperse; to scatter; to dissipate; to
drive away; -- said especially of tumors. - To shake; to put away; to finish. - To examine in detail or by disputation; to reason upon
by presenting favorable and adverse considerations; to debate; to sift;
to investigate; to ventilate.