- Schedule
- Strange inertia has Ray without a travel plan
- Timetable
- Tour timetable
- Travel plan
- Itinerant; traveling; passing from place to place; done
on a journey.
- An account of travels, or a register of places and
distances as a guide to travelers; as, the Itinerary of Antoninus.
- Discussion list
- Discussion schedule
- Get on and rehash order of business
- In Copenhagen, Danes have discussion list
- List of items for attention
- List of items for discussion
- List of items for discussion at a meeting
- Period furniture put in chronological list
- Schedule
- A broadcast on radio or TV
- Agenda
- Broadcast on radio
- Planned series of events
- Regimen
- Schedule
- That which is written or printed as a public notice or
advertisement; a scheme; a prospectus; especially, a brief outline or
explanation of the order to be pursued, or the subjects embraced, in
any public exercise, performance, or entertainment; a preliminary
- Coin opening
- Lots troubled by this kind of gambling machine
- Narrow aperture
- Narrow opening
- Opening for a coin
- Opening for coins
- Schedule opening