Saint Gets Ring E2 80 93 Why She''s Thin And Sinewy Crossword Clue
Latest updated: 17-11-2022
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: saint gets ring e2 80 93 why she''s thin and sinewy. We have 1 answers for saint gets ring e2 80 93 why she''s thin and sinewy in our database.
Possible answers to saint gets ring e2 80 93 why she''s thin and sinewy
- Chewy - Saint gets ring – why? She’s thin and sinewy - scraggly hair - Straggly (hair) - Consisting of strings, or small threads; fibrous;
filamentous; as, a stringy root. - Capable of being drawn into a string, as a glutinous
substance; ropy; viscid; gluely.