- A game of golf, more or less
- In the area of
- Located on every side
- Nearby
- Roughly
- In a circle; circularly; on every side; round.
- In a circuit; here and there within the surrounding
space; all about; as, to travel around from town to town.
- Apply something blotchily
- Dress hair
- Paint roughly
- Smear
- Smear with mud, etc
- Smear with mud, etc.
- Smear with paint
- Equal
- Equivalent
- Even Bonaparte lost bet
- Even Bosnia MP fair
- Even town camp fair
- Level
- Level (with)
- Exert pressure on
- Hurriedly shove
- Jostle
- Move hurriedly or furtively
- Push impatiently
- Push roughly
- Swindle